[2022.12.07] 發表
【明報專訊】1.唔該 → 謝謝
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4.旅行 → 行李箱
5.隔籬位 → 鄰座
6.齋啡 → 黑咖啡
7.睇戲 → 看電影
8.拎起 → 拿起
9.飲飽食醉 → 吃飽喝足
[語文同樂 第611期]
Talk of the town : 2022 World Cup Kicks Off in Qatar
【明報專訊】After another four years of waiting, the new World Cup kicks off... 詳情Talk of the town : First World Cup in Middle East
【明報專訊】The 2022 World Cup is taking place in Qatar from 20 November 202... 詳情
2022/12/18 23:00
(Criticisms on this publication, if...
Comic : The greenhouse effect
【明報專訊】This is another bright, crisp day. The Smarties and Eason decide... 詳情Horizon : Pointing in different cultures
【明報專訊】Humans point to signal someone to look in a direction. While we ... 詳情相關新聞