• 2022.04.13

Dig Deeper¡GWorld Health Day

[2022.04.13] µoªí

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jWorld Health Day, established by the World Health Organization (WHO), is celebrated annually on 7 April. A specific health topic is chosen for each year. ''Our planet, our health'' is the topic this year. WHO aims at focusing global attention on the need to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being.

As estimated by WHO, over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (¤Æ¥Û¿U®Æ). As Hong Kong is a highly urbanized city, we can often see the haze in the air. Besides air pollution, water scarcity, disposal of plastics, extreme weather events, land degradation and highly processed foods and beverages are all concerning topics that are worth giving attention to.

Different organizations attempt to combat air pollution. Let's take a look at the related figures!

¡»How many percent of global carbon emissions are produced by transportation?

Transportation is responsible for 24% of direct carbin dioxide emissions from fuel combustion in 2020. Beside taking private vehicles to school or to work, have you ever considered walking, cycling or taking public transportation? Walking and cycling not only are green but also offer major health benefits, for instance reducing the risk of many chronic health conditions and improving mental health!

¡»How many premature deaths are associated with exposure to air pollution?

More than 7 million. Inhaling toxic particles not only affect our respiratory system but also contributes to numerous diseases in the cardiovascular system (¤ß¦åºÞ¨t²Î) as the toxic particles may reach the system through the bloodstream.

¡»What are the ways to combat air pollution?

Recycling your waste, using clean energy to cook, turning off lights and electronic devices that are not in use and using renewable energy to power your home are possible ways to combat air pollution, as suggested by WHO. The Hong Kong government has committed to achieving carbon neutrality before 2050, by widely adopting clean energy, promoting the use of electric vehicles and reducing urban waste.

¡½ Think about it

Some critics and organizations have urged the government to take stronger actions against air pollution and carbon emission. Can you think of any effective measures to achieve these goals?


urbanize (v) «°¥«¤Æ

extreme (adj) ·¥ºÝªº

chronic (adj) ºC©Êªº

disease (n) ¯e¯f

(Criticisms on this publication, if any, are aimed at pointing out the errors or defects of certain systems or policies with a view of rectifying or eradicating such errors or defects, as well as prompting improvement or remedy for them via lawful means. There is absolutely no intention of inciting hatred, discontent or hostility towards the government or other classes of the community.)

[Smarties' Power English ²Ä342´Á]


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