• 2021.11.17

Horizon:Tiny animals in the world

[2021.11.17] 發表
Bee hummingbird
Madame Berthe's mouse lemur
speckled cape tortoise

【明報專訊】Here are some of the smallest animals in the world. You will be surprised by how small they are!

Cuba - Bee hummingbird

The bee hummingbird is the world's smallest bird. It usually grows to be about 5 to 6 centimetres long and sometimes it is even shorter than your little finger. It weighs less than a coin. The animal is a powerful flyer. It can beat its wings as many as 200 times per second. The population can be found in Cuba. Just like bees and butterflies, it eats the sweet liquid called nectar from flowers although it is not an insect.

Madagascar - Madame Berthe's mouse lemur

The Madame Berthe's mouse lemur is a tiny primate species, which is the same as humans and monkeys. Its average body length is only 9 centimetres and its average weight is merely 30 grams. It is nocturnal just like bats and owls. The population lives and hunts on the island of Madagascar.

South Africa - speckled cape tortoise

The speckled cape tortoise is the smallest species of tortoise on Earth. It usually grows to between 6 to 8 centimetres long. It lives on a group of large rocks. Since it is small, it can hide in the narrow cracks of rocks to protect itself against its natural predators. The entire population only exists in South Africa.

■Gear up

Which of the following animals is the smallest?

A. Bee hummingbird

B. Madame Berthe's mouse lemur

C. Speckled cape tortoise

(Answer on next text)


species (n) 物種

merely (adv) 僅僅 (用於強調)

nocturnal (adj) 夜間活動的

entire (adj) 整個的

[Smarties' Power English 第325期]


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