Comic:Michelangelo, the Renaissance man
【明報專訊】The Smarties and Eason travelled to a winter wonderland.
“ MoMo: Wow! This is beautiful! It snowed heavily last night. ”
“ Pat: Yes! I love snow! ”
“ Bill: Let's have a snowball fight! ”
“ Dr Panda: Sure! But where is Eason? ”
“ Eason: Hey! I'm here making a snowman. ”
“ Dr Panda: Why don't you hire an artist to build it for you? ”
“ Eason: Why should we hire someone? ”
“ Dr Panda: That's what rich Italians did and someone even hired Michelangelo to do that in his garden! ”
◆Know more
Michelangelo (1475 - 1564,米開朗基羅) was a famous Italian. He wore many hats: he was a sculptor, painter, architect, and poet. He is considered one of the greatest artists of all time. His most famous works include the sculpture of David and the paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel(創世紀壁畫).
He had little interest in school but he loved painting. When he was 13, his father let him learn from the successful painter Domenico Ghirlandaio. He worked for rich people with his teacher and other pupils. Thanks to his sculpture called Pietà, he became famous at the age of 24.
Michelangelo grew up at his father's marble quarry(大理石場). His life-like works are still influential and loved today.
■English highway﹕To wear many hats
''To wear many hats'' or ''to wear different hats'' are idioms which mean to have many jobs or roles.
e.g. She wears different hats: she is a swimming coach, a writer and a painter.
architect (n) 建築師
sculpture (n) 雕塑
life-like(adj) 逼真的
influential (adj) 有影響的
[Smarties' Power English 第308期]