[2019.09.18] 發表
It means to make somebody's feeling stronger.
e.g. He not only makes his girlfriend cross but also fans her anger.
◆fan out
If several people fan out, they spread out.
e.g. The Smarties fan out to scout for Eason.
◆fan the flames
It means ?to make a feeling worse.
e.g. The president always fans the flames of political tensions.
[Smarties' Power English 第252期]
Brain teaser:What am ''I'' ?
【明報專訊】Not a fabulous royal sceptre (權杖), I'm just a humble helper ... 詳情
【明報專訊】An umbrella
[Smarties' Power English 第252期]
Story:Denise's sculptures
【明報專訊】DENISE loved paper clay (紙黏土) sculpting, but she couldn't afford... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. fire
2. books
3. international
[Smarties' Power Engl...