
[2017.09.13] 發表


1. B、C

2. 幃

3. 清貧、蚊帳、吸父母的血、驅趕

[語文同樂 第261期]

【明報專訊】According to statistics, 60% of the world's diabetic(糖尿病患的) popu... 詳情
【明報專訊】Seven major drinks companies will limit the sugar content of dri... 詳情
【明報專訊】■Game 1﹕ (see the picture) ■Game 2 2(10.6/100x330)g = 69.9... 詳情
【明報專訊】A Japanese company has assigned a new role to SoftBank's humanoi... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. F 2. It will chant sutras in a computerised voice while ta... 詳情

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