放眼世界﹕Food in Belgium

[2016.04.11] 發表

【明報專訊】Tasty chocolate

Chocolate production started in Belgium in the 17th century. Belgian chocolate has since gained a reputation in the world. Why is it so famous worldwide? First, it has a higher cocoa powder content (around 43%). It is around 20% in the US and the UK. Belgium chocolate is therefore tastier. Second, chocolate production in Belgium requires a longer blending process. The texture is therefore smoother. In addition, Belgian chocolatiers are more professional. They have received top-quality training.

"French" fries

Another national food of Belgium must be French fries. French fries actually originated in Belgium! At the end of the First World War, some American soldiers passed by Belgium, where they ate fries, which they found to be really delicious. However, they wrongly thought they were in France because people around them spoke French, which is an official language in Belgium.

Generally, we have two cold meals and one hot meal every day. For breakfast, we usually eat bread with butter, cheese, salami, jam, honey, various kinds of salad and chocolate. On Sundays, we have special bread called Dutch crunch bread. For dinner, a hot meal, you will first be served with hot soup with biscuits. Then you will have a main dish containing meat, potatoes, some vegetables and sauce. People will drink some tea or coffee or sometimes have desserts to finish a meal.

I like Belgium's food culture a lot. It is very nice for me to have another way of life outside Hong Kong.

text: Niki Kong Tsz Wing(Hong Kong AFS student who went exchange in Belgium in 2015-2016)

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