放眼世界﹕Slow vs. fast

[2015.04.20] 發表

【明報專訊】I have lived in Hong Kong for over 7 months now. I have found out lots of differences between Spain and HK. The most obvious one is the busy lifestyle of HK citizens. They are always hurrying to the MTR. Spaniards are completely the opposite. They often walk around at a slow pace. Schools in Spain are not as strict as those in HK. We do not have to wear uniforms. We need not greet our teacher when a lesson begins. We do not have morning assembly and the atmosphere is not that competitive among classmates.

What I like to do most in HK is to wander in it. The more you explore, the more you realise how tiny you are. In HK , opportunities abound and there are many new things to do. HK always surprises me.

My stay here has been packed with many unforgettable moments with both my friends and my host family. I am sure in the remaining months much more will come. But so far I can say I have tried lots of food with my host family I never imagined I would eat, like chicken feet. My host family brought me to lots of interesting places and showed me the HK culture. With my friends, we always find new activities to spend the day, like hiking, canoeing, bowling, picnic....

Text: Isabella Corno (an AFS exchange student from Spain to Hong Kong in 2014-15)

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