©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª©-©ú³ø¥[¦èª©(·Å­ôµØ) - Ming Pao Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper
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1. A player rolls the ball on a designated track to knock down the¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä in order to score.

2. The ¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä of a bowling ball ranges between 6 lbs and 16 lbs.

4. Oil is applied on the ¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä so that balls roll along it easily.

5. If a player knocks down all the pins in two attempts, he scores a "¡Ä ¡Ä ¡Ä ¡Ä ¡Ä".


3. A player delivering the ball may not cross the ¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä

(2 words of 4 letters).

6. A player scores a "¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä¡Ä" if he knocks down all the bowling pins («OÄÖ²y²~) in the first attempt.


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