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港聞 [昔日明報]
 持份者﹕Country park and flats

【明報專訊】The Incident

Should we send bulldozers (推土機) among the rich greenery of our country parks (郊野公園) and saw down the trees and lay concrete (水泥) on the lush vegetation? Facing the housing problem, Hong Kong people are once again caught in a dilemma.

It all started with a blog article by Secretary for Development Paul Chan Mo-po (發展局長陳茂波). On September 8 he wrote about the problem of housing supply in Hong Kong. He said he had heard business people's, professionals' and district council members' comments about the possibility of zoning a portion of country-park land for residential development. The essay has triggered a debate.

持份者﹕Country park and flats
Various Stakeholders' Responses

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