Talk of the town:The Minimum Wage in Hong Kong
【明報專訊】Starting next year, the minimum wage, which is currently reviewed every two years, will be reviewed annually.
◆What the minimum wage?
The minimum wage sets a lower limit on the hourly wage that the employer must pay to the employee. It is set by the government to ensure that workers receive a fair wage for their effort, helping to prevent exploitation and poverty.
In Hong Kong, the statutory minimum wage came into force on May 1, 2011. The law stipulates that employers who violate the minimum wage law would be subject to fines and imprisonment. There have been several adjustments to the minimum wage in Hong Kong over the years: (See the picture)
◆Other measures that protect labour in Hong Kong
The Labour Department (勞工處) is the main government department that handles labour matters, such as safeguarding employees' rights and benefits and promoting the safety and health of labour at work.
In addition to the minimum wage law, the Employment Ordinance is the main piece of legislation governing conditions of employment in Hong Kong. For example, male employees with a newborn child are entitled to five days of paternity leave (侍產假). In response to workplace discrimination, employees can also report their cases to the Equal Opportunities Commission (平等機會委員會).
■Grammar Booster
Come into force
''Come into force'' means a law, rule, or system begins to apply and be enforced.
E.g. New driving regulations are coming into force this year.
Eason works in a restaurant for five hours a day and is paid the minimum wage. How will his daily income change after May 1st this year?
(Answer on next text)
■Gear up
1. The one who encounters discrimination in the workplace can seek help from the Fire Services Department. (True/False)
Fill in the blanks with the glossary below.
2. The customer services department ________ customer complaints.
3. The labour union ________ the interests of all its members.
(Answers on next text)
exploitation (n) 剝削
statutory (adj) 法定的
handle (v) 處理
safeguard (v) 捍衛
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[Smarties' Power English 第434期]