• 2022.09.28

Comic : Charles Darwin, the father of evolution

[2022.09.28] 發表

【明報專訊】The Smarties are at Eason's Diner, a newly opened restaurant owned by Eason.

■Know more

Charles Darwin (1809–1882) was an English scientist who studied the natural development of living things over time.

When he was only eight years old, he started to enjoy natural history and collect specimens. Nonetheless, to follow in the footsteps of his father who was a doctor, he entered the medical school. He did not enjoy it, so he transferred to another school. Yet, he was still bored because what he genuinely liked was natural history.

In 1831, Darwin set out to explore the world. During the five-year expedition, he collected and made notes about animals and plants. The voyage provided him with invaluable insights that contributed to the development of his theory. He published a book titled On the Origin of Species to put forward the theory of evolution. According to him, living things adapt to their environment to survive and evolve over time through natural selection. His theory helps us understand biodiversity.

■English highway


is an adverb which is used to express a contrast. It is similar to "however".

e.g. He always fails in exams. Nonetheless, he never gives up.


specimen (n) 標本

insight (n) 見解

evolution (n) 進化

biodiversity (n) 生物多樣性

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[Smarties' Power English 第351期]

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