[2019.11.20] 發表
【明報專訊】1. 選賢任能
2. 廉潔清明
3. 秉公辦事
4. 造福桑梓
5. 名落孫山
6. 君子之爭
7. 才德兼備
8. 勤政親民
9. 為政以德
10. 墮馬
[語文同樂 第408期]
News feed:AI traffic monitoring
【明報專訊】The police have proposed using AI technology to monitor traffic.... 詳情News feed:A broken promise
【明報專訊】JUST a few days after a rally demanding his administration handl... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. True
2. False
3. saving the forest from illegal logging...
Comic:Online and offline communication
【明報專訊】Today is MoMo's birthday. How are Smarties going to celebrate wi... 詳情DIY:Thanksgiving turkey
【明報專訊】Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of Novembe... 詳情相關新聞