
[2023.10.18] 發表
(Picture 1) (明報製圖)
(Picture 2) (明報製圖)

【明報專訊】■Game 1 - Matching

Bill and Eason are having a visit to an animal farm. They are learning about some phrasal verbs related to animals. Help them match the words to their meanings.

(See picture 1)

1. Chicken out.

2. Horse around.

3. Rabbit on.

4. Pig out.

5. Rat on.

6. Beaver away.

7. Duck out.

.A) To eat a lot or too much

.B) To work hard for a long time

.C) To behave in a silly and noisy way

.D) To keep on about something that is not interesting

.E) To not do something because you are frightened

.F) To leave quickly and unannounced

.G) To not be loyal to someone

(Answers on next text)

■Game 2 - Word search puzzle

The Smarties are completing a word search puzzle. They need to find as many words as they can. The words must contain at least 3 letters. Do you know how many words can be formed using the following letters? Let's try together!

(See picture 2)

(Suggested answers on next text)


behave (v) 表現

keep on (phrasal v) 喋喋不休

unannounced (adv) 突然地

loyal (adj) 忠誠的

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[Smarties' Power English 第386期]


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