Horizon : National food days

[2023.03.29] 發表

【明報專訊】National food days are special days on which people eat or promote a specific kind of food. Many of them focus on pastries or desserts. On these days, there are usually discounts on the specific food.

South Korea - Pepero Day

On Pepero Day, people share biscuit sticks covered in a thin layer of chocolate to show affection for friends and loved ones. The snacks look similar to the number 1. This is why the manufacturer has been promoting this special day on 11th November every year since 1997. Pepero Day is now a nationwide phenomenon.

New Zealand - National Chocolate Fish Day

A chocolate fish is a popular confection in the shape of a fish. It is a piece of pink or white marshmallow covered in chocolate. In New Zealand, it is a tradition to reward someone with this snack for a job well done. Although the history of this treat is long, National Chocolate Fish Day has been celebrated on every 10th May only since 2018. On this special day, people share or eat a chocolate fish to celebrate.

USA - National Ice Cream Day

In America, there are as many as 175 food days. There are National Pizza Party Day, National Chocolate Day and Junk Food Day, just to name a few. There are even 11 food days dedicated to ice cream, such as National Ice Cream Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day and National Creative Ice Cream Flavours Day. National Ice Cream Day has been celebrated on every third Sunday in July ever since it was signed into law by the president in 1984.

■Gear up

1. There are few food days in America.


2. How are Pepero Day and National Chocolate Fish Day different?

A. Pepero Day has a longer history.

B. People share the snacks with their loved ones.

C. Both snacks are covered in chocolate.

(Answer on next text)


pastry (n) 糕點

manufacturer (n) 製造商

phenomenon (n) 現象

confection (n) 甜點

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[Smarties' Power English 第373期]


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