[2021.04.21] 發表
【明報專訊】硬頸 → 固執
孤寒 → 吝嗇
點解 → 為什麼
怕醜 → 害羞
埋單 → 結帳
打尖 → 插隊
一陣間 → 一會兒
詐傻扮懵 → 裝瘋賣傻
[語文同樂 第505期]
News feed:Traffic detectors installed
【明報專訊】The Transport Department has installed 1,200 traffic detector se... 詳情News feed:Ancient luxury apartment
【明報專訊】AN archaeological project in the Lushan area in Henan (河南) has d... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. True
2. False
3. Not given
[Smarties' Power English ...
Infographic:How innovative are we?
【明報專訊】We have been emphasizing on the importance of innovation and tec... 詳情相關新聞