Celebrity:The Wonder Kid — Rex Tso
【明報專訊】KNOWN as the ''Wonder Kid'' who once enjoyed a 22-game winning streak (連勝), Hong Kong star boxer Rex Tso (曹星如) was defeated by world featherweight (羽量級) champion Mirazizbek Mirzakhalilov in an Olympic qualifier (奧運資格賽) on 9 March. He apologized to his fans and vowed to keep fighting. Now that May's Paris world qualifier has been suspended and the Tokyo Olympics postponed, Tso's fans may have to wait a bit longer to watch him throw punches. Failure is a better teacher than success. Let's hope Rex will go from strength to strength!
Rex Tso at school
Rex was not ''wonderful'' at school. Knowing that he was unable to study well, Rex dropped out of school and did not sit the public examination. His father was furious and worried. He was then offered to teach in the boxing center. He had been lazybones until he was assigned to fight in a match. From his first win, he felt joyfulness and a sense of fulfillment for the first time. It was a life-changing match that motivated him to keep fighting till now.
■Gear up
According to the passage above, answer the following questions.
1. Rex won 23 matches consecutively. ( True / False / Not given )
2. Rex scored low in the public examination. ( True / False / Not given )
3. Rex aimed for a seat in the 2020 Olympic Games. ( True / False / Not given )
(Answers on next text)
■Photo story
Rex had been a professional career boxer who signed a contract with Top Rank before he announced that he would turn amateur (業餘的). This photo features the moment he announced the big news. He wants to represent Hong Kong and fight for Hong Kong in the upcoming Olympic Games.
apologize (v) 道歉
furious (adj) 憤怒
lazybones (n) 懶骨頭
life-changing (adj) 改變人生的
[Smarties' Power English 第275期]