[2019.12.18] 發表
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[語文同樂 第416期]
News feed:A run on Christmas trees
【明報專訊】Christmas trees have become highly sought after in America. The ... 詳情News feed:Kim's paradise
【明報專訊】NORTH KOREAN leader Kim Jong-Un (金正恩) cut the ribbon to launch a... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. True
2. Not given
3. over 70
[Smarties' Power Englis...
Comic:A meaningful Christmas
【明報專訊】It's December now. Christmas is just around the corner. What are... 詳情Game:Santa Claus Village
【明報專訊】Do you know where Santa Claus lives? The answer might be Finland... 詳情相關新聞