【明報專訊】Having seen a series of incidents and casualties caused by typhoons and storms around the world, Dr Panda visits the Hong Kong Observatory (香港天文台) to learn more about extreme weathers (極端天氣).
■Game 1
The warning signal signs are messed up! Can you help unscramble the labels?
1.L D N S I A L P warning
( )
2.T H R O M R T D N U E S warning
( )
3.M B A R E rainstorm signal
( )
4.H R I C N A E U R signal No.10
( )
■Game 2
Here are three astronomical telescopes (天文望遠鏡) and all of them are supposed to be identical. However, a naughty guy has damaged them. Can you circle the damaged parts?
■Game 3
Dr Panda is checking the rainfall (降雨量) in the past six days. He finds that the numbers marked on the measuring cylinders follow a specific pattern. What is the unknown one?
(Answers on next text)
casualty (n) 人命傷亡
mess up (v phr) 把……弄亂
identical (adj) 相同的
measuring cylinder (n) 量筒
[Smarties' Power English 第228期]