Answers, Mission 1

[2016.02.24] 發表
(Mission 1)(明報製圖)
(Mission 3)

【明報專訊】■Mission 1 (圖)

You should make it.

■Mission 2

1. known

2. mysterious

3. adopted

■Mission 3


Wild guess : Gemstones
【明報專訊】Gemstones are pieces of cut and polished mineral crystals and ar... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. sapphire (藍寶石) 2. jade (玉石) 3. diamond (鑽石) 4. emera... 詳情
Sports﹕Hannah Cockroft
【明報專訊】Hannah Cockroft (考克羅夫特) is a 23-year-old British athlete who spe... 詳情
Phrasal verb flashcard
【明報專訊】“ Look what my parents bought me! ” show off 炫耀 show up 出現... 詳情
Do you know?
【明報專訊】Most kinds of chocolate taste sweet, but cocoa beans, which choc... 詳情

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