Sports:Dwayne Johnson

[2016.01.27] 發表

【明報專訊】Dwayne Johnson (狄維莊遜) is an American actor and semi-retired wrestler. He is famous for his role as a security service agent in the Fast and Furious (《狂野時速》) movie series.

Born into a family of professional wrestlers in 1972, Johnson had no intention of following his grandfather's and father's footsteps. He was devoted to American football at college until he had an injury on his back.

He would not have picked up wrestling if it had been possible for him to continue to play football. He gained the nickname "the Rock" and won a World Wrestling Federation (now called World Wrestling Entertainment) Heavyweight Championship (重量級冠軍). He started his acting career and often portrays people who are mighty and strong.

■English highway - sentences

conditional sentence type 3

past perfect tense+would/should/might/could have + past participle

Conditional sentences (type 3) are used to refer to a hypothetical condition and its probable result in the past.

e.g. If you had tried again, you might have succeeded.


wrestler (n) 摔角手

intention (n) 意圖

devote to (phr v) 致力於;獻身於

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