Horizon:Exploring national drinks from around the world

[2023.10.25] 發表
Morocco - Moroccan mint tea
Argentina - Mate
India - Lassi

【明報專訊】What is your favourite drink? Do you usually prefer soft drinks or fresh juice? Do you enjoy drinking traditional beverages like tea? In this text, we embark on a global journey to savour the rich flavours and cultural heritage of three countries.

◆Morocco - Moroccan mint tea

Moroccan mint tea, also known as Maghrebi mint tea, is a beloved traditional drink in Morocco. It is a blend of gunpowder green tea leaves, fresh spearmint leaves, sugar and hot water.

Typically served in decorative teapots and glasses, this tea holds a special place in Moroccan culture, symbolising friendship. Sharing tea with guests is a cherished custom that fosters social bonds and communication.

◆Argentina - Mate

Mate, a popular drink in Argentina, is a herbal tea made by steeping dried leaves of yerba mate in hot water. Traditionally enjoyed with a metal straw from a gourd-shaped container, it gives a slightly bitter flavour.

Mate contains more caffeine than coffee and tea, making it an excellent choice for those seeking an energy boost. It is a healthy alternative to typical energy drinks due to its lower sugar and artificial additive content.

◆India - Lassi

Lassi, a traditional Indian yoghurt-based drink, comes in two main varieties. Sweet lassi is made with yoghurt, sugar and fruit, while salty lassi is a mixture of yoghurt, water, and spices. This delightful beverage is known for its cooling effect, making it a favourite choice during hot weather. Yoghurt, a key ingredient in lassi, contains abundant probiotics for a healthy gut and supplies essential calcium for maintaining strong bones and teeth.

(Photos: AnnaPustynnikova, RHJ & Fascinadora@iStockphoto)


cherished (adj) 珍愛的

foster (v) 促進

steep (v) 浸泡

abundant (adj) 豐富的

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