Dig deeper:From voluntary to mandatory - ''LeaveHomeSafe''

[2022.03.09] 發表
According to the law, citizens should scan ''LeaveHomeSafe'' before entering the mall.
Some elderly people have uploaded their vaccination records to ''LeaveHomeSafe''.They said that the uploading process is easy.

【明報專訊】The government has required all citizens to use the ''LeaveHomeSafe'' app to enter all premises regulated under the Prevention & Control of Disease (Requirements & Directions) (Business & Premises) Regulation from December 9 2021. Children, the elderly and some people with disabilities are exempted from this mandatory requirement.

There are also several uncertainties about the new measures. How about underprivileged people who do not own mobile phones? The government will handle such cases ''according to their particular circumstances'', says Secretary for Civil Service Patrick Nip. The Hospital Authority also pointed out to citizens that it ''allows some flexibility'' for people who require medical care but are unable to show their ''LeaveHomeSafe'' application.

◆After how many days will the visit records be erased?

31 days. The data will not be stored in any government or other systems and will be automatically erased after 31 days.

◆How many people have downloaded LeaveHomeSafe?

Over 7.5million, as the Secretary for Innovation and Technology Alfred Sit reported to the public in January 2022.

◆How to store vaccination records through the app?

Users may choose to store their personal COVID-19 vaccination records and testing results together in LeaveHomeSafe by scanning the QR codes of the vaccination records and testing results with the app.

■Gear up

There is no leeway given to citizens without smartphones to enter government buildings or office premises. (True/ False)

(Answer on next text)


disability (n) 殘疾

exempt (v) 豁免

uncertainty (n) 不確定的事

leeway(n) 餘地

(Criticisms on this publication, if any, are aimed at pointing out the errors or defects of certain systems or policies with a view of rectifying or eradicating such errors or defects, as well as prompting improvement or remedy for them via lawful means. There is absolutely no intention of inciting hatred, discontent or hostility towards the government or other classes of the community.)

[Smarties' Power English 第337期]

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