X研究所:SLP自述範本 + 點評

[2020.01.14] 發表



I participated in numerous extra-curricular activities throughout my senior secondary school years and learnt many skills from them.

At Secondary 4, I joined the basketball team. It was hard for me because the training demanded a lot of strength and stamina. In the first month of the training, I was the last person to finish and often made mistakes when practicing certain tactics. However, failures did not knock me down. To meet the requirement, I started running and working out at the gym to gradually improve my fitness. I ploughed through all kinds of basketball tactics to make sure that I could deliver my best performance during training. Finally, the hard work did pay off and I learnt that being hardworking is always an irreplaceable factor when it comes to reaching goals.

At Secondary 5, I was chosen as the vice captain of Bancroft, my house. At the same time, my fellow committee members and I decided to run in the student union election. Under the new house policy, we needed to create a new cheerleading slogan and design a new house flag and house T-shirt. I learnt many new things such as using software to design the T-shirt and create a questionnaire to collect feedback. I made progress on my presentation skills as I had to report to my house teachers. It was a fruitful and meaningful experience.

Moreover, I was the public relations manager in my student union candidate cabinet named Devote. My job was to contact student unions in different schools and help organize joint-school activities. This job suited me well as I am an outgoing and talkative student. I like to communicate with others. Besides, I picked up some paperwork and communication skills after writing a joint-school contract agreement. I also learnt how to negotiate through bargaining with different stores for exclusive union membership discounts. Hence, my communication skills were enhanced. Although we lost in the election, I still enjoyed the process.

Through all this, I became more independent and mature. I acquired valuable skills which could surely help me adapt to university life and studies in the future.









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