【明報專訊】It's a snake with two heads,
Which is made up of some threads.
It's a snake that doesn't attack.
But a parrot that records your voice and plays back.
It's a snake that needs a source of energy,
Without the power it's not even a piece of jewellery.
It's a snake that doesn't look clumsy,
Of course some of its fellows abandoned their long body.
It's a snake that knows how to play all the instruments,
But they don't look like elephants.
It's a snake whose voice can only be heard by you,
But surely one head can be taken off so they can be shared by two.
It's a snake that often ties itself in knots,
But untying it you won't need to hatch sophisticated plots.
■Gear up
What do you think "it" refers to?
(Answers on next text)
thread (n) 線
knot (n) 結
hatch (v) 策劃
sophisticated (adj) 精密的
[Smarties' Power English 第256期]