[2019.05.08] µoªí
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¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡j¥j¤H³Ü°s¡A¦³®É³ßÅw·Å¼ö¡C¤p»¡¡m¤T°êºt¸q¡n¤¤¡A´N¦³¦b°s¼öªº¹Lµ{¤¤°Q½×^¶¯¡B¿EÀy^¶¯ªº¬G¨Æ¡C ¤µ¤Ñ¤U^¶¯¡A¥u¦³§Ú©M§A ¡m... ¸Ô±¡News corner¡RNotre-Dame in flames
¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jThe Smarties have just arrived in Paris and this is what they se... ¸Ô±¡Notre-Dame in flames
¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jNotre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris), an iconic part of Pa... ¸Ô±¡
1. blaze
2. The donations come from b...
Grammar¡RAdverbs of degree (2)
¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jPat is practising her singing for a contest and MoMo is helping ... ¸Ô±¡¬ÛÃö·s»D