Answers, News corner
[2018.10.10] 發表
1. small
2. a) F b) F
3. Avoid using plastic foam containers. / Not to buy products with excessive EPS packaging.
[Smarties' Power English 第225期]
Grammar﹕''To'' as preposition
【明報專訊】Pat just spilt her soda on her clothes! Looks like Bill is helpi... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. serving
3. visit
2. watch
4. taking
[Smarties' Po...
【明報專訊】A fork
[Smarties' Power English 第225期]
Comic﹕Faster Payment System
【明報專訊】The newly launched Faster Payment System (FPS, 轉數快) by the Hong ... 詳情相關新聞