Answers, Spotlight
[2018.01.24] 發表
【明報專訊】■Game 1
1. drunk, can
2. caught, sneezed
3. newspaper
■Game 2
(see the picture)
[Smarties' Power English 第206期]
【明報專訊】1. True
2. participated in
3. four decades
4. D
Animal﹕Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
【明報專訊】◆What are they? Blue-crowned laughingthrushes (靛冠噪?) are bird... 詳情Hobbies﹕Leather crafting
【明報專訊】Leather crafting is the practice of making leather into craft ob... 詳情Around the world﹕Who should be ashamed?
【明報專訊】Last time, Eason failed to challenge MoMo's leadership. This tim... 詳情相關新聞