【明報專訊】Today is dedicated to soil, the so-called “skin of the earth” without which life would be impossible.
◆Problems facing our soil
Soil acidification (土壤酸化)
The buildup of hydrogen cations, also called protons, reduces soil's pH (酸鹼度). This might reduce crop and pasture production, since the pH of the soil changes the availability of soil nutrients.
Soil sealing
Soil sealing is the covering of the ground by an impermeable (不透水的) material. It is one of the main causes of soil degradation.
Soil contamination
Pesticides, herbicides and wastewater by industries can result in soil contamination, which affects the health of plants that depend on them.
Soil compaction
Soil compaction is the reduction of soil volume due to external factors (like the action of backhoes). This reduction lowers soil productivity and environmental quality.
Soil biodiversity loss
Soil biodiversity reflects the variability among living organism. They include a huge amount of organisms not visible with the naked eye, such as micro-organisms. These organisms make a lot of soil’s functions possible: nutrient cycling, regulation of the dynamics of soil organic matter, and the enhancement of the amount and efficiency of nutrient acquisition, etc.
Soil erosion
The erosion of soil, a natural process caused by water and wind, contributes to a significant amount of soil loss every year.
Soil organic carbon loss
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an essential part of soil and a valuable natural resource. The loss of SOC can seriously affect the environment and the ecosystem (生態系統).
Five pillars of action
To tackle the threats facing our soil, the Global Soil Partnership was established in December 2012, which is comprised of five “pillars of action”.
◆The five pillars are:
Pillar 1
Promote sustainable management of soil resources for soil protection, conservation and sustainable productivity
Pillar 2
Encourage investment, technical cooperation, policy, education, awareness and extension in soil
Pillar 3
Promote targeted soil research and development focusing on identified gaps, priorities and synergies with related productive, environmental and social development actions
Pillar 4
Enhance the quantity and quality of soil data and information
Pillar 5
Harmonisation of methods, measurements and indicator for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources