【明報專訊】Drivers in Hong Kong are required by law to keep to the left on the road in normal circumstances. Wait! Who is disturbing the bus driver?
“Pat: Arrrr!”
“MoMo: What happened?”
“Eason: You're too slow!”
“Car: HONK!”
“ Dr Panda: You've almost caused an accident!”
■ Culture tips
Passengers on a bus must not disturb its driver when he or she is driving unless there is an emergency. It endangers everybody to overtake other vehicles as Eason has done. Hong Kong has adopted the UK's custom of driving on the left. Therefore, the driver seat is on the right. That is not the norm though. In about 75% of the countries in the world (including mainland China, France and the US), people drive on the right, and the driver seat is on the left.
(see photo C )
■ English highway﹕overtake
To overtake a moving car ahead of you is to go past it.
e.g. A driver must make sure the road is clear before he may overtake vehicles ahead.
■ Glossary
disturb (v) 騷擾
endanger (v) 危害
custom (n) 慣例
norm (n) 常態