¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jThe Tale of Peter Rabbit is a British children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter. It was written for the five-year-old son of Potter's former governess. The story is about Peter Rabbit, who disobeys his mother and goes to Mr McGregor's garden. Mr McGregor tries to catch Peter, but he escapes. At the end Peter safely returns home, where his mother gives him camomile tea and puts him to bed. ¡½English highway-words and collocations The suffix "dis-" indicates an opposite or negative. e.g. dislike, disagree, disconnect ¡½Glossary illustrate (v) µe´¡¹Ï former (adj) ¥H«eªº governess (n) ®a®x¤k±Ð®v camomile (n) ¥Ìµâ