Comic﹕Beware of online fraud
【明報專訊】MoMo is asking Bill to help her to buy something, but Dr Panda is suspicious. What's going on?
■English highway -words and collocations
Borrow vs lend
What is the difference between "borrow" and "lend"?
borrow─take something from someone, with permission and with the intention of giving it back
e.g. May I borrow your book?
lend─give something to someone, with the expectation that he or she will return it
e.g. Yes, I'll lend it to you.
Fill in the blanks with either "borrow" or "lend" in correct tenses.
1. I _________ her my oven and I haven't got it back yet.
2. A student is allowed to __________ five books from the library at a time.
3. Have you ever ___________ someone something really special to you?
4. I don't know if I should let my cousin __________ my pearl necklace.
5. The department agreed to __________ us a video camera.
suspicious (adj) 懷疑的
anxious (adj) 焦急的
addict (n) 有癮的人
fraud (n) 詐騙